While payments can be a fun and compelling industry to work in, keeping up with the pace of change in payments can be a tough challenge, even for the most seasoned payments pros. Here are some tips to keep up
This blog was originally shared as a Lightning Talk at PAYMENTSfn 2019.
While payments can be a fun and compelling industry to work in, keeping up with the pace of change in payments can be a tough challenge, even for the most seasoned payments pros, not to mention the newbies among us coming from backgrounds outside of payments. Like most industries, the best way to learn payments is to do payments. You can’t replace “OJT” – on-the-job training.
For me, though, OJT just hasn’t been enough. Because payments is so complex, it seems good to plan some form of learning into my work-week in order to thrive and grow as a payments professional. Let me say it this way: “To boost your payments IQ, you have to plan to learn more about payments.” This has certainly been true for me! And I bet it’s true for you, too.
So, how do we keep up? What kinds of learning do we actually plan into our days? I want to offer three easy suggestions to boost your Payments IQ: read, listen, or talk. I suggest picking just one way that works for you.
While I’m sure that there are some really helpful books out there on payments and the payments industry, the pace of change in payments makes blog reading the best way to keep up with news and changes in the industry.
Here are some suggestions:
Perhaps a better option for you is to schedule your payments learning as listening. As an avid audiobook and podcast listener, this is definitely the on-the-go learning method that helps me retain the most content.
Check out these podcast options:
Do you do your best learning in a kind of immersion environment? Why swim in the kiddy-pool when you can just jump straight into the deep end and TALK payments with people who know payments deeply?
Like reading blogs and listening to podcasts, my last suggestion to boost your payments IQ is pretty basic, too. Here are some places you can talk to “payments people”:
There you have it – three options to get-smart and stay-smart on payments: read, listen, and talk. Any of these can be planned into your busy schedule, even to a small degree. But, don't try to do it all. Pick one of these learning methods and go for it. You won't regret it, you'll be smarter and wiser. And frankly, the whole payments industry will be better for your efforts.
I’m sure that there are dozens more suggestions for payments learning that I haven’t heard of or seen yet. If you know another good payments blog, podcast, or conference that should be included in this list, send us a note! Thank you in advance!