Braintree Payments: A port in the storm

Written by
Justin Benson
Publication Date
September 26, 2013
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We've seen more traffic to Spreedly by 9am Eastern than all of yesterday.

If you're a Braintree customer and you're concerned about how this might play out over the next few months we want to make a specific offer. We have our standard $50 (Freedom Plan) that let's you store up to 5000 cards and pay 4 cents a transaction. What we're also going to do is have our next plan, the Traction Plan, have the same parameters as our Scaling plan. 

To put it simply, if you're a Braintree customer, you can store up to 100,000 cards for $150 per month. We'll also then charge you 2 cents per successful credit card transaction.

With Braintree we can

If you're not comfortable you have an independent vault that you can take somewhere else - or just keep using Spreedly against one of the other 50+ gateways we support.

We would need to move your vault from Braintree to Spreedly initially. And you would need to

So there is some work to do.

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